HDMS Analytics Practice

Meet people and projects at the very heart of improving health and care experiences.

At the heart of change

See how teams are using health analytics to tackle healthcare challenges.

Investigations may be quite different, but across each unique use of health data, we make incremental improvements for individuals everywhere.

Tips from HDMS Health Data Experts

Analyzing the #1 killer for women

The term “Women’s health” invites us to immediately analyze and measure things that we know are unique to women, but cardiovascular disease is the #1 killer for women as well as men, yet manifests quite differently across genders.

Here’s tips to organize analytics for women’s cardiovascular health:

Cardiovascular disease prevalence, by gender. Use age adjusted benchmarks to compare to the general population. If rates are significantly different, investigate screenings utilization.  Low incidence could be good if the population is healthy, or bad because early detection is low.

New diagnosis trends. Use leading indicators for costs and allow an employer to easily see if new communications, programs, or culture changes are needed (or working effectively).

Screenings and early detection. Let’s measure and see what can we do to prevent these health issues!

We process images differently

I always try to visualize data when presenting to others. For example, I turn every table into a data visualization using one of the many HDMS Enlight chart options.

This helps a business audience better understand the analytic story at a glance.

We process pictures with a different part of our brain than numbers.

I really like to include both so everyone from executives to HR decision makers to fellow analysts sees the picture to understand the story, and can scan the data table to gather details.

A picture says a thousand words

A well-designed KPI can encapsulate an incredible amount of information in a concise & graphically impactful way.

Here are a few ways to bring in additional visual cues to help users comprehend information accurately and quickly:

  • Graphics – use icons that reinforce the meaning of the KPI
  • Colors – supplement a trend indicator with green and red, for those who can also process color information
  • Labeling – don’t use too many words, but just enough to ensure clarity
  • Trend indicators – my favorite. A negative number can sometimes reflect a positive trend.

Measuring point solution value with disability and leave insights

Let’s not forget a key reason employers want employees healthy… productivity!  In the mix of program performance analytics, I like to integrate disability and leave data.  Impactful programs deliver measurable differences in number of leaves and leave duration.

I recommend designing program performance analytics using study cohorts concepts.  Design study parameters and create “Analysis Groups” that contain specific members who meet well defined study criteria. Once we have each Analysis Group defined and members properly associated, we easily run all sorts of analytics to measure differences in costs and outcomes.  From there I integrate disability data at the member level to quantify any measurable differences in leaves or leave duration.

Featured Tip: Complex requirements?

Who hasn’t had to study or compare one or more sub-groups of people based on health criteria at a point in time or patterns?  I’ve been using the combination of complex filters within multi-level and multi-layered Analysis Groups. This avoids code or complex query development, yet supports complex business requirements.

I recently used this approach to build out a custom Provider Attribution model for a sophisticated client and also used it to analyze a disease progression model I built for another client.

Get a glimpse of some interesting work

Ozempic and GLP-1 drug utilization

Ozempic is making headlines for trends in off-label uses.  See what the rest of the story should include based upon what the data tells us.

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Transgender Health Analytics

Explore some analytics that dig into analytics that surface some of this population’s unique health considerations.

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Rising costs of point solutions

The cost of many point solutions is hitting home.  Dr. Rani Aravamudhan shares insights from 3 projects.

Read the article

Using Data to Look Forward

Analytics show how mental health conditions increase costs associated with physical health conditions.  See hidden costs of mental health.

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HDMS offers more than leading technology. We enable a collaborative community of data-driven problem solvers with access to not only HDMS expertise, but also our industry’s most progressive transformation advocates.

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Useful analytics

Members of the Analytics Practice create an Analytic Agenda for each client. What we measure and how we use insights can be different.  The Analytic Agenda gets everyone focused on what’s most important for your organization.

Be organized, be methodical, be comprehensive.

Prepared for change

Analytics that are built for constant change grow and evolve with you. It starts with the data, and getting quality integrations in place. The HDMS team and Analytics Practice bring it all together for you.

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